6 November 2014 1min read

Bing Wallpapers for iOS

I'm happy to present my last little app: BWallpapers for iOS. The App is a mobile version of my Mac App BingWallpapers.

I've been using the Mac version for a while now and I really liked. Having a new and awesome wallpaper every day is refreshing. I updated that App a couple of times with some little improvements (and more that are not yet released) and I wanted to have the same experience on my iOS devices.

A few weeks ago I was 1 month without Internet connection at home (1 month!). I couldn't watch TV Shows or gameplays on Youtube, or even read articles! So I decided to port the framework that powers the mac app to Swift and in that process I ended up with an iOS App. The most difficult part was writing code in a new language without any documentation (no Internet, no party), it was quite fun :D

The App itself is quite simple but it's my first App completely written in Swift so I'm very happy with it. I have more ideas to add some features but, as always, I wanted to ship soon to make sure that Apple wouldn't reject it. The only sad part is that there is no API to set the wallpaper automatically so the user has to do it manually.

So take a look at the App if you like ;)


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