RxTesting makes testing a custom Rx operator an enjoyable experience. Being able to fake time simplifies a lot the develpemnt of reactive code and helps on building confidence in the code.
How flatMapLatest cancels an API request? This is a common question that people has when they start learning about Rx. Specially since RxSwift has an example of this in the README.
Yesterday I gave a talk about Functional Reactive Programming to my coworkers at LifeWorks. At first, I wanted to give some insight about it to the Android team, as they were using Rx for the API layer. But at the end there were more assistants than I expected. From Android and my iOS team to Web and backend developers. So I had to do the talk as generic as posible (although the code is in Swift) and also try to convince everyone about how this is the next step.
A while ago I wondered how easy would be to make a screenshot of a window in OS X from another application using some system API. With that idea in mind last Christmas I started a project that ended up being too time consuming.