One small inconvenience of a static blog generator running without a CMS is that to create a new post in markdown you need to add manually the front matter in the top of the file. That’s why the first thing you should do after setting up your static site generator is to create a small script that automates the new post creation.
Facebook has brought to the open source world a bunch of amazing technologies, React being one of the more widespread ones. It is really interesting how old ways of doing UIs like the immediate GUI mode has come back with a more functional and descriptive twist. But for me one of the key and most amazing technologies is GraphQL.
I’m always interested in knowing what is going on in other communities, it helps me a lot to understand how others work and what tools they use. Anyone that knows me knows that I’m not a big fan of Javascript, but nobody can’t deny that web development has some tools that would blow the mind of any native devs.
The other day while I was adding the ability to generate the protocol file to my Sketch plugin I took the opportunity to make a couple of changes to the code.